How much fines is there for driving under the light without the underpass?

As per the Saudi Department of Traffic, it is a violation to drive through unlit traffic. The fine ranges from 500 to 900 rials.
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The Department of Traffic tweeted that driving without lights in the underpass is dangerous for you and others.

Not using headlights in the underpass is breaking traffic rules. It carries a standard legal punishment.


 The traffic department had previously stated that failure to wear a seatbelt is a traffic offense in response to inquiries from local residents. The maximum fine is 300 rials with a minimum of 150 rials. 

 If you fail to wear a safety belt twice in a month, you may get a 24-hour fine or your vehicle may be impounded or both can happen at the same time.

The driver and front seat passenger should both wear a protective seatbelt. Failure to use a protective belt by the front seat passenger will result in the driver receiving a fine on their record.

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