Coalition operations in Sanaa

Arab coalition forces have inflicted heavy casualties and financial losses on the Yemeni capital Sanaa and the al-Qaeda, targeting the Houthi rebels.
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According to the Lesson website, coalition planes have bombed several bases at Jabal Atan in Sabah, at Sabah camp, in the northern capital Arhab and other places. The action was taken while fighting between the Yemeni Constitutional Army and the rebels continued on the frontiers of Nahum and Al-Jawov.

Reports from coalition forces say that the Sahay Directorate in northern Sanaa and the Houthi reinforcement in the south of al-Durhami have also been targeted in air operations.

Sources say airstrikes have killed 13 Houthi fighters in western Yemen.

Sources say that the Houthis tried to enter the area of ​​suicide by suicide attacks, but rebels escaped in response to the Constitutional Army and its auxiliary Arab coalition forces.

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