How much is the fine for overtaking a school bus?

How much is the fine for overtaking a school bus?
The Department of Traffic has warned that overcooking school buses is a traffic violation. Its fine is three to six thousand riyals.
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According to the department, 'school buses are operating from place to place. In the meantime no one is allowed to over-take the school bus. '

The emergency website cited the Department of Traffic as saying, "The driver of the vehicle is banned for the safety of school children and children."

The traffic violations chart states that "if a person over-techs a school bus while doing it, it will be fined three to six thousand rials."

It is to be noted that overcrowding of school buses in different cities of Saudi Arabia leads to the loss of lives of many children and children, while several students have also seen incidents of injuries to students.

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The Saudi Department of Traffic has previously said that smart cameras will be used extensively to record traffic violations across the state. Zig Zig drivers will be especially caught.

The department has released a video clip trying to highlight the disadvantages of overcooking school buses. The video shows what kind of casualties can be caused by accidental over-taking.

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