Two new Corona cases, number seven in Saudi Arabia

Two new Corona cases, number seven in Saudi Arabia
According to the Saudi Ministry of Health, two more coronary virus patients have been diagnosed in Saudi Arabia.
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So far, a total of 7 cases have been  registered after confirming new patients .

Both patients are Saudi nationals and recently came from Iran and Najaf.

Saudi news agency SPA quoted the Ministry of Health as saying that "one of the new patients diagnosed came from Iran via Bahrain, but did not indicate at the border checkpoint that it was Iran." had gone.

According to the Ministry of Health, another Corona virus patient had arrived in Saudi Arabia via Kuwait. The Iraqi city of Najaf fled, but refused to divulge its travel history. Taking precautionary measures, the personnel at the border posts shifted the passengers to 'Quarantina', where they underwent a medical test that came in positive. '

The Ministry of Health has issued a 937 telephone number for contact and information regarding Corona so that people can use useful information and advice while taking precautionary measures regarding the new Corona.

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