Arab coalition preventing Houthis from threatening navigation

The passage of ships heading to the port of Hodeidah has been secured through the issuance of 16 permits.
Al-Maliki accuses the Houthi militia of violating international humanitarian law and hindering the arrival of humanitarian aid.
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On Monday, the Arab coalition fighting to restore Yemen's legitimate government announced that it is still working to prevent the Iranian-backed Houthi militia from threatening global shipping.

Nonetheless, spokesperson Col. Turki Al-Maliki states that responsibility for the global navigation risk falls on the international community while speaking at a weekly press conference in Riyadh.

Col. Al-Maliki stated that the passage of ships heading to the port of Hodeidah had been secured with 16 permits.

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Additionally, he stated that the Houthi militia is impeding the delivery of humanitarian aid and committing war crimes by attacking civilians and civilian sites.

According to Al-Maliki, the coalition is safeguarding the Yemeni citizens as per the legitimate government's request, and they will sustain their support to the Yemeni people.

He illuminated the coalition's strikes on valid military objectives in the capital Sanaa, governed by the terrorist militia.

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