Check Exit Re-Entry Visa status Online without Absher

Check Exit Re-Entry Visa status Online using Muqeem and without Absher
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Exit Re-Entry visa allows expatriate workers and dependents with work visas or permanent family visas to exit from Saudi Arabia and re-enter Saudi Arabia for a limited specified time on an Exit Re-Entry visa.


Check Exit Re-Entry Visa status Online using Muqeem and without Absher

1- Visit Site 

2 - Change Language in English 

3- Enter your Iqama number or Visa number by selecting the appropriate option for you

4- Choose one of Visa Number, Passport Number, Name, Date of Birth, Iqama Expiry Date or Visa Expiry Date.

5-  Enter the value of your selected option in step 3

6- Click On Check 

Related Post : Check Huroob Status In Saudi Arabia

Your Exit Re-Entry visa details will be displayed.

  • Name
  • Visa Number
  • Passport Number
  • Visa duration
  • Inside or Outside Kingdom 
  • Visa Issued date
  • Return Before date 
  • Date of Birth 

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