King Salman has appointed a new Deputy Defense Minister

King Salman, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, released seven decrees on Sunday and assigned a new individual as deputy defense minister.
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As stated by the Saudi news agency SPA, Prince Abdulrahman bin Muhammad bin Abdulaziz bin Ayyaf Al Muqrin has been appointed to this position. Additionally, King Salman appointed Nizar bin Sulaiman bin Ali Al Alullah as an adviser to the General Secretariat of the Cabinet and Khalid bin Muhammad bin Abdulaziz Al Abdul Karim as an adviser to the Royal Court (Dewan Al Maliki).

In compliance with the royal mandate, Dr. Hisham bin Abdulrahman bin Abdullah Al-Sheikh is now Deputy Chairman of the Human Rights Commission. Additionally, Prince Saud bin Abdulrahman bin Nasir bin Abdulaziz has been relieved from his role by royal command as deputy governor of the Northern Frontier Region. Another decree states that Engineer Ali bin Muhammad bin Ali al-Zahrani will serve as Governor of the Supreme Commission for Industrial Security. In contrast, Engineer Ibrahim bin Yusuf bin Ibrahim al-Mubarak has assumed responsibility as Assistant Minister of Investment.|

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