Arab women capital in Riyadh 2020
The 39th meeting of the Arab Women's Committee will be held on February 9 and 10 in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, under the banner of the Arab League. Delegates, ministers, heads of Arab countries, representatives of Arab women's national organizations, Arab and global organizations will attend.

According to Al Arabiya Net, Saudi Arabia will be the chairman of the Arab Women's Committee for a year. On this occasion, Riyadh will be named the capital of Arab women in 2020.

Arab women committee meetings are important topics on the agenda. The results of the Beijing Regional Declaration 25 will be discussed. The Agenda for Sustainable Development 2020 will be reviewed. In the Arab world, the steps that make women stand at their feet will be discussed.

The recommendations of the Ministerial Conference on promoting the role of women in Arab societies will also be reviewed. Coordination with international women's organizations will consider developing modern approaches.

According to Saudi news agency SPA, the Secretary General of the Family Affairs Council, Dr Hala Binat al-Tawwajari, said that "the 39th meeting of the Women's Committee will be held throughout the Arab world in connection with the stability of the development process and the solution of Arab issues." Recognizing the role of IS being held in Riyadh.

Talwijari has pointed out that, according to Vision 2030 in Saudi Arabia, many reforms are being implemented to make women stand at their feet in all walks of life. 

Thanks to the reforms, Saudi women have succeeded on various fronts. There have been laws regarding women and several important decisions have been made.

Abid Latif is a highly experienced and knowledgeable professional specializing in Saudi Arabia's laws, regulations, and tech. He has lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over 15 years and deeply understands the country's legal system, immigration policies, banking system, and telecom industry.


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