Buying and selling cars without 'fahs'
Saudi traffic police have removed the requirement of 'motor vehicle inspection' for buying and selling vehicles. It is not necessary to present a 'Fahs' certificate to change the ownership of the vehicle.

The traffic police has reported on Twitter that a curfew has been imposed in the country under the current circumstances due to the corona virus, which has led to the closure of 'Fahs Centers', which prevents the issuance of Fahs certificates for vehicles.

 Meanwhile, local web news 'Aajil' says that the transfer of vehicle ownership documents has been provided by the traffic police due to the closure of the centers. Due to the closure of the center, those who wanted to sell vehicles were facing a lot of difficulties. The Traffic Police has temporarily removed the 'Fahs' requirement for transferring ownership of vehicles.

The traffic police said that in order to transfer ownership of the vehicles, action can be taken to sell the vehicle through Abshar account and transfer the name to another person for which the option of Fahs certificate has been temporarily canceled.

It may be recalled that earlier the condition of 'Fahs' certificate was also removed by the traffic police for the renewal of vehicle ownership card which is called 'Astmara', after which this facility has also been provided for vehicle transfer. ۔

It should be noted that in Saudi Arabia, the fitness check of vehicles is done on an annual basis from the 'Fahs' center, after which they are issued a road permit.

Abid Latif is a highly experienced and knowledgeable professional specializing in Saudi Arabia's laws, regulations, and tech. He has lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over 15 years and deeply understands the country's legal system, immigration policies, banking system, and telecom industry.


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