
The Jawazat in Saudi Arabia announced that visit visas period is automatically extended for visitors inside the Kingdom without any charge. The Jawazat (General Directorate of Passports ) clarified that visit visas for expatriates, which expired during the suspension of entry and exit from Saudi Arabia, were automatically extended for 3 months without any cost, in coordination with National Information Center.
#الجوازات تعلن عن اكتمال تمديد صلاحية مدة "تأشيرات الزيارة" آليًا للوافدين المتواجدين داخل المملكة والتي تنتهي خلال فترة تعليق الدخول والخروج من المملكة، وذلك بالتنسيق مع مركز المعلومات الوطني، ولمدة (3) أشهر دون مقابل
— الجوازات السعودية (@AljawazatKSA) July 26, 2020
Announces the completion of the extension of the validity period of "visitor visas" automatically for arrivals inside the Kingdom, which ends during the period of suspension of entry and exit from the Kingdom, in coordination with the National Information Center, and for a period of (3) months without charge
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