Indian employee arrested for killing Kafeel in Saudi Arabia
Recently, it came to light that the fire that broke out in Muammar Citizen's room last month wasn't an accident but rather the result of an Indian employee's plan, wherein they murdered their sponsor and stole one lakh 20 thousand rials from him.

According to the lesson website, neither police nor family were suspicious of an employee at that time and therefore, an event file was closed.

Saudi family hired an Indian worker to care for an elderly resident aged 70. Who showed exemplary dedication when providing the elderly citizen with assistance.

Kafil's services were so well received by his family, especially their elderly members, that he made the promise to perform Hajj at his expense this year.

Until this happened, an employee observed the routine of the minor. He knew when she should sleep, wake up, and stay out of her room. Additionally, he discovered that an elderly had hidden away one hundred twenty thousand rials.

Momar planned to steal money with her help, and one day without an elder present she began washing off money that she found lying around.

While sleeping and unoccupied, he set the room on fire, creating an illusion that it had started naturally.

While watching, a fire consumed the entire room and resulted in the death of an elderly.

Civil Defense Department officials managed the fire, before turning over responsibility to police for investigation due to the death of an elderly individual.

Police initiated their investigation. Information was gathered from all family members including the domestic servant; however, no clue as to what caused the fire was discovered.

As no one was suspicious of anyone else, police reported the accident and closed their file.

After one month of peaceful work conditions, an employee's behavior started changing significantly. He began buying expensive goods and planning on returning them.

One day when some acquaintances of his came to pick him up in their car, the employee handed them some large suitcases as a parting gift.

Family members became suspicious, inquiries began and then the employee became nervous. Someone informed the police that upon arriving, the servant set everything ablaze.

Acres revealed to all that, in pursuit of his ambition to acquire 100,000 lacrosse tickets, he stole money and set fire to his room so his family would know the cash had also perished in the flames.

Abid Latif is a highly experienced and knowledgeable professional specializing in Saudi Arabia's laws, regulations, and tech. He has lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over 15 years and deeply understands the country's legal system, immigration policies, banking system, and telecom industry.


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