Saudi Arabia’s new rules for private sector worker absences
RIYADH: The Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development on Sunday updated regulations governing worker absences in private sector establishments.

It is essential for the service's endeavors to work on the legally binding connection among laborers and businesses, save the authoritative freedoms of all gatherings and increment the engaging quality as well as adaptability of the work market in Saudi Arabia.

The termination procedure has been updated as follows: "When the user submits a request for the termination of the contractual relationship due to the termination of the user's service, the user's active data ceases to be associated with this installation and its status is removed at work. in the process of the Ministry, and now working takes nothing to come out of it.

The measures for the interruption of employees have been updated as follows: “Following an application by the employer to terminate the contractual relationship due to the interruption of work by the employee, the data of the foreign employee will no longer be associated with the entity and his identity will be terminated from working in the Ministry’s systems, the current employer No consequences.

The employee has the right, inside 60 days, to switch to any other company or final exit, and after 60 days have surpassed with out the expatriate employee taking any such  options, the reputation of the expatriate employee will become absent from paintings withinside the ministry’s structures and associated regulations.

The department said that for foreign workers who were reported to be out of work before the updated date, employers will be allowed to transfer their work to their employers if their conditions are not working. service, and late fees in the employee's file will be. transfer to a new user through user confirmation when transferring a job to a new user.

"And if the work of the worker is not delivered within 15 days from the date of confirmation of the delivery of the information, the status of the foreigner will remain absent from the work."


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Abid Latif is a highly experienced and knowledgeable professional specializing in Saudi Arabia's laws, regulations, and tech. He has lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over 15 years and deeply understands the country's legal system, immigration policies, banking system, and telecom industry.


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