The servant got seven years' rights over the Labor Office's intervention
With the intervention of the Labor Office, a Sri Lankan servant in Riyadh has been granted the rights and responsibilities of the last seven years. With the help of the Sri Lankan Consulate, the servant applied to the Labor Office against her sponsor.

The servant said he was neither paid nor paid any dues for 7 years. According to local web news 'Lesson', the Regional Labor Office director Abdul Karim Asiri said that through a Sri Lankan embassy, ​​a servant sent a request stating that he was not paid by his sponsor. Nor are other liabilities paid.

The director's labor office said investigations into the incident were received as soon as the servant's request was received. When the servant's claim was proved to be valid, his kafilal was summoned to the labor office and received a salary of 7 years. 

 In this regard, Director of the Labor Office Asir said that the Ministry of Labor takes prompt action to ensure payment of workers' dues in a timely manner.

Asri further added that workers who complain of non-payment of salaries and other rights should immediately approach the Labor Office with evidence where they will be treated fairly.

In Saudi Arabia, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare has established comprehensive rules regarding the timely delivery of the rights and obligations of foreigners working in the country, which must be followed. 

Under the Ministry of Labor, the employer must pay their workers through a bank account. A step-by-step plan is being implemented in this regard. 

Paying salaries in a bank account is in the interest of the workers as it is a proof that can be challenged in any court.

In this regard, legal experts say that foreign workers should not sign or thumb a simple paper, and doing so can prove to be extremely damaging in the future. Regarding contractual employment, experts say foreign workers are required to renew contract work on an annual basis.

Abid Latif is a highly experienced and knowledgeable professional specializing in Saudi Arabia's laws, regulations, and tech. He has lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over 15 years and deeply understands the country's legal system, immigration policies, banking system, and telecom industry.


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