A new way to Check Iqama Expiry Date through Absher.Sa
Check Iqama Expiry Date through Absher.Sa A new way old moi.gov.sa way is not working

Iqama validity check in ksa

A small bad news for expatriates living in Saudi Arabia as from now on wards they cannot able to check their iqama expiry date through the moi.gov.sa website as its asking to go new website absher.sa The bad news is that, now you cannot able to check your iqama expiry date by just clicking a link and entering iqama number. It is mandatory from now to have a account in Absher.Sa in order to check your iqama expiry, however it is not mandatory to have your own account you can also check from others absher account.

But don't worry here is also other method check iqama expiry without Absher.

 Once you logged into your new Absher.sa account, you can see a top search box there you need to write " Query Iqama Expiry Service " from that option you can check yours or others iqama expiry date. - The procedure is same you need to enter your iqama number and image code, you will the result or expiry date of your resident id on top. - The old link of checking iqama expiry is no more working its requesting to go to new website Absher.sa - The new website of Absher brings more feature and user friendly, so we request all the expats from now onwards use the new Absher website for requesting your services. 

Related Post :

How To Check Iqama Expiry with New Absher site 2020

1- Open this link : http://www.adss.vip/absher

2- You need absher account to check iqama expiry if you don't have Absher account then read this article

How To Register Absher Account

3- Enter Your Iqama Number password and picture code then press Log in

3- Enter Your Iqama Number password and picture code then press Log in

4- Enter the code that you will get on your mobile

4- Enter the code that you will get on your mobile

5- Now click below Query Iqama Expiry Service as show on picture

5- Now click below Query Iqama Expiry Service as show on picture

6- Enter Iqama Number your want check Expiry and then write picture code

7-  Click View

Write Your Iqama Number and Write Picture Shown code then press view

Write  Your Iqama Number and Write Picture Shown code then press view

In Green line you can see your iqama expiry date.

In Green line you can see your iqama expiry date.

In green line you can see your iqama expiry date .

You can check anyone Iqama Expiry date with same method.

How to Check Iqama Expiry Date | New Method 2019 | Complete Detail | Urdu & Hindi

Abid Latif is a highly experienced and knowledgeable professional specializing in Saudi Arabia's laws, regulations, and tech. He has lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over 15 years and deeply understands the country's legal system, immigration policies, banking system, and telecom industry.



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