How to Check Your Wafid Medical Report Status Online(GAMCA/GCCHMC)
(GAMCA/GCCHMC) Wafid Medical Examination. In order to uphold high health standards, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations mandate medical exams for all foreign employees from particular countries.
Wafid Medical Checkup

Wafid Medical Examination

Healthcare Examination By conducting these necessary examinations, the protection and health of the surrounding population are guaranteed. Lately, this evaluation program has shifted from the GAMCA scheme to the Wafid protocol. Consequently, every bit of the program's data and offerings have been transferred from the website of GCCHMC to the recently launched website. Through this simple procedure, you can examine the current situation of your Wafid medical test report through the web. They guarantee that you are ready for the employment prospects in the Gulf region.


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How to Check Your Wafid Medical Report  Status  Online(GAMCA/GCCHMC)

Check Your Wafid Medical Report Status Online Complete Guide with Pictures

  • Visit the Wafid Website by clicking this link:
  • Clicking this link will redirect you to the medical status page. Same as the picture below.

How to Check Your Wafid Medical Report  Status  Online(GAMCA/GCCHMC)

  • On this page, you can see two options to search for your medical status:
  • The 1st search Medical Status by passport, and 2nd search  Medical Status by Wafid Slip number.

How to Check Your Wafid Medical Report  Status  Online(GAMCA/GCCHMC)

  • Select the option that is easiest for you.
  • If you choose the First Passport option, enter your passport number and nationality.
  • If you choose the 2nd Wafid Slip Number, enter your Wafid slip number in the provided field.
  • Now click the check button and see your Wafid Medical status.

How to Check Your Wafid Medical Report  Status  Online(GAMCA/GCCHMC)

If you have passed the medical examination, “FIT” will be visible in your result. This shows that you have met the health criteria and can be employed in the GCC region.

How to Check Your Wafid Medical Report  Status  Online(GAMCA/GCCHMC)

Still, suppose you observe the "UNFIT" mentioned. In that case, it implies that you still need to meet the essential health standards and may necessitate further medical examinations or procedures before being authorized to work in the GCC.

#GCCHMC #GAMCA #Medicaltest #wafidmedical #checkiqama


Abid Latif is a highly experienced and knowledgeable professional specializing in Saudi Arabia's laws, regulations, and tech. He has lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over 15 years and deeply understands the country's legal system, immigration policies, banking system, and telecom industry.


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