140 workshop seals, 47 foreigners arrested in Jeddah
140 workshops were shut down and 47 illegal migrants were detained by the municipality of Al-Ragmah neighborhood in Jeddah during the raid.

The authorities also confiscated workshop machines and tools.

The chairman of Irk al-Rumah municipality, Saad al-Qahtani, said that a team of officers and personnel from the Jeddah security force and al-Baraq al-Rumah municipality have been given the task of shutting down the workshop in Ibarq al-Rumah, as reported by the Mecca newspaper.

The investigative campaign led to the closure of 140 workshops. Law enforcement arrested a group of 47 migrants who entered illegally. The workshop's machines and tools were confiscated. ‘

All workshops in Jeddah's palaces will be closed by the municipality. The process has been ongoing for some time now.

The municipality believes that workshops among the population are causing discomfort for both Saudi nationals and foreigners. The traffic system has been suspended as well. Violations of hygiene rules are also occurring. Workshops can be insecure due to occasional fireworks.

Workshops located far from the city's population have been designated by Jeddah's municipality. The owners of workshops can't relocate their workshops from the city to these locations.

The postponement, which was initially granted by the municipality, has now expired. The owners are now being charged by the municipality for the workshops.

The Ibarq Almaragh area is currently undergoing the removal of the remaining illegal workshops. 

The chairman of Abrqa Municipality stated that the campaign will persist in providing quality municipal services and facilitating the population. 

Cleanliness, food items, markets, and buildings will all be monitored. Additionally, the obstacles will be eliminated. ‘

Abid Latif is a highly experienced and knowledgeable professional specializing in Saudi Arabia's laws, regulations, and tech. He has lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over 15 years and deeply understands the country's legal system, immigration policies, banking system, and telecom industry.



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