Corona virus: Bahrain shut down all flights to Dubai and Sharjah
According to the Bahraini government, the closure is temporary and has been imposed for only 48 hours

The Corona virus has now moved to Bahrain after the United Arab Emirates . Bahrain has shut down all flights to Dubai and Sharjah in fear of the spread of the Corona virus , according to the UAE government, which has banned flights for 48 hours. The decision will then be taken with regard to the removal or retention of the ban.

Bahrain has taken the decision to close the flights this morning, which went into effect immediately. The project's closure will affect around 15 flights a day between Bahrain and Dubai. Bahrain has imposed a ban on the state of the Karuna virus after it emerged. Symptoms of Corona virus have been found in two locals in Bahrain .

According to the Bahraini Ministry of Health, an affected woman had returned from Iran to Bahrain, who has now been transferred to the Ibrahim Khalil Kano Medical Center, where she is being treated . The other patient is a school bus driver who returned from Bahrain on February 21 from Iran . When both patients arrived in Bahrain, both of them were in good condition, but later they showed symptoms of the Corona virus .

According to the Health Ministry, the Corona virus -affected driver performed his duty on Sunday, during which he drove children from different schools to their homes. After that, all the children and their families on the bus have also been tested. So that anyone could possibly be aware of the presence of this fatal virus at an early stage. The Ministry of Education has announced that the three schools whose children were abducted by the affected driver are being closed for two weeks.

Bahrain Civil Aviation has announced that it will contact the Corona virus -affected countries on a special telephone number to return to the Mediterranean . Contact to return to the Emirates based in Civil Aviation, where they will be informed about the new schedule. 

Abid Latif is a highly experienced and knowledgeable professional specializing in Saudi Arabia's laws, regulations, and tech. He has lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over 15 years and deeply understands the country's legal system, immigration policies, banking system, and telecom industry.


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