Oxford University's experiment to develop corona vaccine failed
Oxford vaccine has some flaws, university team resumes research

The Oxford vaccine has some flaws, and the university has launched a new study. The University of Oxford in the UK recently said that a team developing a vaccine for the treatment of COD 19 hopes to start using the drug in the next few days on volunteers who knowingly carry the corona virus. Taxes will be levied to research the effectiveness of the drug.

Although this type of experiment is common in medical research, it is being called controversial because there is no cure for the corona virus.

But now it is known that Oxford University's experiment to make corona vaccine has failed. Senior analyst Haroon al-Rashid says the Oxford University vaccine has some flaws, so Oxford has launched a new study.

Scientists are not like political leaders. They have to draw conclusions. Haroon Rashid said that this is a big news which is being confirmed by all government sources and officials, although this news will not be announced for the time being. The corona virus vaccine will arrive in February 2021. There are still seven months left in February. But don't do it for the sake of it.

Keep hugging in Eid-ul-Adha, mosques should be crowded, go to mosques, but be careful. Pakistan is a very vast country, there are big fields, Eid-ul-Adha gatherings should be held in open spaces. Inshallah, the vaccine will come in February. But if it is formally announced, it will be done in late December or January. Pakistan is participating in the third phase of vaccine trials. He completed the first two phases himself and now Pakistan is also participating in the third phase. He will complete this process in which the side effects of the vaccine are being tested. If even one percent has side effects, it will be a failure.

Abid Latif is a highly experienced and knowledgeable professional specializing in Saudi Arabia's laws, regulations, and tech. He has lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over 15 years and deeply understands the country's legal system, immigration policies, banking system, and telecom industry.



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