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The committee has stated that going against someone's private life and ignoring the caste goes against public order, which the committee is trying to combat.
The committee head, Badr Elzani, stated that an awareness campaign is being held throughout the country. People will be reminded about the significance of respecting others' privacy. To avoid feeling embarrassed, it's recommended not to ask certain questions.
He has stated that individuals can file a complaint if they are injured by needless questions and illogical matters.
According to him, the committee is solely working on the youth. Newlyweds are being educated through our awareness programs to set an example for future generations.
According to him, a campaign to reflect society by countering inappropriate costumes is being launched. Our goal is for individuals to leave their homes dressed appropriately. ‘
According to him, inappropriate clothing, queue jumping, abuse, occupying seats designated for elders, parking in spots for people with disabilities, and playing loud music in public are not acceptable. ‘
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