The Saudi Ministry of Interior has updated the schedule of fines and penalties for violating the COVID19 precautionary measures. In this regard, the following rules have been updated.

1- The maximum members in family and non-family gatherings inside homes, rest houses, farms, or in social events has been increased to 50 people.
2- There will be a fine of SR 10,000 on private establishments who fail to;
- Provide disinfectants and sterilizers in the places designated for them.
- Check the temperature for employees and customers at the entrances to malls and commercial centers.
- Disinfection of carts and shopping baskets after use each time.
- Disinfection of facilities and surfaces.
- Closure of children's play areas and try rooms.
3- A fine of SR 1,000 will be imposed for several violations including not wearing a face mask. SR 1,000 fine is imposed if a person;
- does not wear a medical or cloth mask that covers mouth and nose.
- fails to keep the adequate social distance.
- Refused to measure temperature when entering the public or private sectors
- fail to adhere to the procedures adopted when the temperature rises above 38 degrees Celsius.
- The amount of penalty will be doubled in case of repeated violations.
وزارة الداخلية on Twitter
مصدر مسؤول بوزارة الداخلية : تعديل لائحة الحد من التجمعات وتحديث جدول التصنيف ليشمل عدداً آخر من المخالفات للإجراءات الاحترازية والتدابير الوقائية، والعقوبات المقررة لها. pic.twitter.com/4Bc9LW4pph
— وزارة الداخلية 🇸🇦 (@MOISaudiArabia) May 30, 2020
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