Afghani arrested Who Business on the name of Saudi
The Ministry of Commerce has arrested an Afghan immigrant doing business in the name of a Saudi citizen while rewarding a reported citizen with 15,000 riyals .

According to the Sabak website, the Ministry of Commerce has said that 'the Saudi citizen had allowed an Afghan working in his sponsorship to open and earn a restaurant in Medina Manorah'.

The ministry said that "the reporting citizen suspected that the restaurant in Medina Manorah was of Afghan nationals but he was running it in the name of Saudi citizen".

"The citizen reported the ministry on suspicion and informed the situation on which the ministry took inquiry," the ministry said.

The ministry has said that "from the initial investigation it was learned that the restaurant is of Afghan origin, it has nothing to do with Saudi citizens."

In addition to the laws and labor laws, the Ministry of Commerce has been given an Afghan immigrant on trade based on trade violations and a citizen reporting 30% of the fines imposed on a Saudi citizen who allows him to do business in his name.

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The ministry has said that "all available arguments will be presented to the court; if convicted, the court imposed a fine of Rs. 30,000 on violators. The restaurant was closed, license was revoked, Afghan Tariq was expelled from Saudi Arabia while his name will be published by publishing his name in a local newspaper.


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