Saudi mother, daughter drown off beach in Indonesia
Elham Abdussalam, 27 years old, and her mother Jamilah Abdul Malik, 47 years old, died in the sea near Ketapak Beach in Lombok Island.

 A young woman from Saudi Arabia drowned while trying to rescue her mother, who was carried away by strong waves near the Indonesian island of Lombok.

Elham Abdussalam, 27 years old, and her mother, Jamilah Abdul Malik, aged 47, died in the waters near Ketapak Beach, located in Selong Belanak Bay on the island.

While on vacation with their family, the two women visited the beach on Monday afternoon, and the mother was hit by two high waves in a row and was overwhelmed.


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A current caught the mother and swept her out to sea. According to Fawaz Abdullah Althaymin, an official at the Saudi Embassy in Jakarta, the daughter attempted to rescue her, but unfortunately, both drowned before others could intervene. Residents searched for an hour and retrieved the women's bodies, which were transported to a Mataram hospital.

The family refused an autopsy and flew to Jeddah on Tuesday with the bodies.

Essam Abed Al-Thaqafi, the Saudi Ambassador to Indonesia, expressed his condolences to the family. He advised Saudi tourists to choose their tourist destinations in Indonesia and emphasized the need to communicate with the Embassy upon arrival.

Abid Latif is a highly experienced and knowledgeable professional specializing in Saudi Arabia's laws, regulations, and tech. He has lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over 15 years and deeply understands the country's legal system, immigration policies, banking system, and telecom industry.


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