The United States of America revoked the visas of all those involved in the crime of Jamal Khashoggi
The former British Consul in Jeddah Barry Bish mentioned important information in his account on Twitter for social networking that CNN reported in the news that the United States of America canceled the visas of everyone who was involved in the crime of Jamal Khashoggi

The consul reported that he had information from a high-ranking Saudi official in The royal court reports that Prince Muhammad bin Salman asks Trump to meet him at the White House, but President Trump rejects this offer.

#CNN "The US also said it would be pulling the visas of the men suspected of killing Khashoggi." Let me add: according to a Saudi diplomat, it's for a week that #MBS wants to visit Mr. #Trump but the president do not give him the permission. #Khashoggi

#CNN "The US also said it would be pulling the visas of the men suspected of killing Khashoggi." Let me add: according to a Saudi diplomat, it's for a week that #MBS wants to visit Mr. #Trump but the president do not give him the permission. #Khashoggi

Abid Latif is a highly experienced and knowledgeable professional specializing in Saudi Arabia's laws, regulations, and tech. He has lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for over 15 years and deeply understands the country's legal system, immigration policies, banking system, and telecom industry.


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